Monday, May 21, 2007

A great weekend

We had the good fortune to be invited out of town for this past weekend. My DH was out of town on business, so the boys and I went to Sulphur Springs with friends. My friend also has two sons, so it was great for the four of them to do guy stuff together all weekend long. Throw in grandparents who have a go cart and 9+ acres and you get the drift of our weekend! The boys drove circles around the house until the drive chain broke on the go cart....and we still had the better part of a day left to fill. There were some nice parks that kept the boys occupied when the go cart wouldn't go.

My friend and I had time to partake of our common hobby while there as well. So we worked on year end teacher gifts. That's good since school is out on Thursday!

It was a great chance to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. I grew up in the country, so any chance I get to leave town is welcome. I think my favorite part of the weekend was pushing one of my sons on a swing hung from the branch of an enormous oak tree that is at least 200 years old. That was relaxing.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day

Well, as Mother's Days go, it was a good one. Lots of time with the family and a nice long nap to boot. My boys went shopping with their dad earlier in the week. Each of the boys got me something they picked out all by themselves -- clothing -- and I love both of the items they gave me. DH said that the boys also picked out the cards on their own. My oldest DS's card was just hilarious and SO exactly his personality! I loved it.

I spent this evening with the credit card, summer camp brochures and the calendar. My oldest will spend a week learning about digital photography. He wished for a camera for Christmas and has shown a great deal of talent for taking good pictures. His pictures from our trip to Disney World were some of the best ones we took.

Then both of the boys will go to an outdoor summer camp for two weeks later in the summer. Rumor has it that they will swim or fish each day. Then with church camp that's planned for this summer, that will give us a month of activity for my oldest. My youngest is going to summer school, so the two weeks of fishing and swimming will be his great adventure before spending a week with the grandparents while I go on a business trip w/ my DH.

All in all, a good mother's day for me and for getting the summer plan organized,.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Educational Dilemmas Abound

Well, we had an ARD at school to day to learn if our youngest DS was eligible for special education. He was not. That is o.k. with me as I know he's a bright child who just has processing delays, etc. I was happy to learn that he IS eligible for occupational therapy through the school system. I've know that he needed this since January, but we had to jump through all the hoops to get this approved through the school district.

But the biggest bit of news was that his teacher feels that it's in DS's best interest to be retained. Now, I have known that in my heart of hearts since December. He wasn't reading on level and had (has) lots of problems staying organized and focused. So much trouble, that we've discussed ADD / ADHD with our pediatrician. But I digress... Hearing the words "needs to be retained" come from someone else's mouth about my DS was just very disheartening. One of the therapists who evaluated my child said that when she returned him to the classroom, all of the other students were on a particular page in a certain textbook. My child got out the appropriate book, but could NOT find the correct page. That just broke my heart. How hard has this year been on him? How lost has he been all year? Hasn't anyone seen it?

So the upshot of the ARD was that he gets 30 minutes of O.T. each week. Well...we already pay for private O.T. once / week. and he gets more time than that at the private O.T.'s office. So, would he really get the help he needs repeating 1st grade in a large classroom setting, with only 30 minutes of O.T. per week, or would he get more help in a one-on-one environment with me (homeschooling), where we have time to take sensory breaks WHENEVER they are needed is possible?

Oh I don't know what life will bring in the next few months. I'm afraid of leaving him where he is since he will only get an additional 30 minutes of O.T. per week (with sensory breaks for the whole class vs. just for him so he doesn't feel singled out). As usual, I want the answer now, but I have to wait and let the Lord lead.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Home Schooling?

I have several friends that do home schooling. As I watch my boys go through the school system here, I wonder "What are they learning?" I distinctly remember DH and me deciding that we had to give our oldest DS the birds and the bees talk WAY before we thought we'd need to. All because of another child at school who was giving out erroneous information. We felt we had to be the ones to introduce those concepts. So that they were framed in the correct context. Dr. Dobson's books were a great help, BTW.

And now my other DS is facing problems in school. He isn't reading on level. (what's that all about?) He has trouble sitting in his chair. Well...who says DS has to do it on their time table? Why can't they cater to HIS learning style instead of the learning style of the majority of the class? Do I sound like a grumpy mama bear yet?

Am I bordering on becoming a home schooler? I'm afraid so. But where will the time come from? Will I be good at it? Will my kids still learn? Will they be well rounded, well adjusted, polite robots, or will they still have their great quirky senses of humor and will they still get along w/ kids their own age?

On the plus side, we'd get to ditch those stupid achievement tests that they give here in Texas that are such a source of stress for the kids. I know....I watched my oldest DS go through the testing last year and this year. He was terrified the 2nd week of school this year that he'd fail the writing test. A test that isn't administered until FEBRUARY!! I was livid that the teachers has even mentioned the test the 2nd week of school.

I'm wondering if it's possible. Or are these thoughts just the musings of a mom who cannot sleep?

Sunday, May 6, 2007

My first blog

Well, I decided that I should attempt to catch up w/ the information age and blog so that I can keep track of my random thoughts.

Things that are currently on my mind:
* Daniel's education
* How will we ever survive the last month of school?
* Will I ever get the house clean again before the boys leave?
* Finances
* My Stampin' Up! business -- why did they retire so many cool stamp sets?

Other than that I guess I'm just normal and working on being a SAHM.