Thursday, February 26, 2009

When it rains, it pours

Well, I've better days, but there've also been worse ones.

I had to go back to the women's health clinic today for a repeat sonogram of my girlie parts. Seems the dr. was not please with things from the last sono. The technician said it looked o.k. today, but I have to wait for the dr.'s report.

Unbeknownst to me, my mom had a CT scan of her lung today. She'd had a bronchoscopy last August because of a spot on her lung. That test indicated that we need not be worried. The CT scan today showed that the spot has grown significantly and the dr. thinks it could be a recurrance of my mom's uterine cancer. (Now my anxiety over my repeat pelvic makes more sense, doesn't it?)

So mom is to have a needle biopsy done ASAP. We'll find out when that will be as soon as the dr. has scheduled it.

Stay tuned.

Monday, February 16, 2009

More Stamping

I had stamp club tonight at my house and we had two projects. One was a very simple card -- what I would call a 'minimalist' card, and the other was a stair step card.

The minimalist card uses the new Stampin' Up! "Just Buzzin' By" stamp set and the striped grosgrain ribbon in Pumpkin Pie.

The stair step card was made with Taken with Teal CS and a retired Designer Series paper -- Petals and Paisleys. The remainder of the stair step card was made using various punches. We also used the "Chit Chat" Rub ons.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Pictures of the Lonely Mountain Project

My oldest DS has to make a project for his English class. They've been reading The Hobbit. He decided to make the Lonely Mountain.

He made a 100 on the project!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Church Library Update

We had a meeting this week with the librarian from another church and came away with renewed enthusiasm and a list of projects to prioritize and get started on.

I am again excited about what we can do with our church library. The new guy (he's been there at least 2 years!) is taking over hardware and software. Yea! Now that he'll do that, he's going to get our database problems fixed and then we'll be ready to rock and roll.

I feel like the Fiction, Biography and Children's sections are what I should concentrate on right now. That's taking up time creating listings of fiction series that we own, but might not have all the books for. I hope to start shopping soon for the library!

Happy Birthday

My youngest DS turned 9 this week. That does NOT seem possible. Seems like only yesterday we brought him home from the hospital.

He had a great week. We stretched the celebrating out. His party was on Thursday and he had a blast. He got lots of goodies and we were so busy with brother's Hobbit project, we've not tackled thank you cards yet.

He got books and board games mostly. I"m thrilled. He's most intrigued with the Wii Fit he got from us and with the Wall*E game he got for the Wii from his brother.

School project

My oldest DS had a project to do for The Hobbit for his gifted and talented class. He chose to create a scene/setting from the book. It took two weekends (no weekdays) to do it. He and his dad created the mountain base out of paper mache last weekend. This weekend they made the top of the mountain, which is removable, and painted everything.

My contribution to the project was to go in search of a small plastic dragon. Hobby Lobby came through. They have a selection fo products called 'Toobs' which is a plastic tube filled with whatever plastic figurines you might need. Our dragon came from the Knights and Dragon collection.

The eldest insisted on the dragon being red, just as Smaug is in the book. I painted him while the guys took care of everything else. I'll try to post a photo later in the week.