Thursday, March 31, 2011


I am sick. I'm also SICK of being sick.

breathing is an effort right now. yuck

Saturday, March 19, 2011

End of Spring Break

We've had a low-key week here. My eldest DS has been sick w/ an upper resp. infection and the youngest DS has been battling allergies. So, it's probably good we didn't have grand plans for the week.

Hubs returned from London on Sunday. He'd been at QCon speaking there. Then he was home long enough to change out dirty clothes for clean and then take off for Washington, D.C. The company he works for was purchased by Living Social. So he was there for the first round of "hey what projects are we working on" meetings. I think he's really going to enjoy this! Hooray.
Now we are in the new benefits stage, altering pay schedules, etc. All NICE 'problems' to have in this economy.

Unfortunately BOTH A/C systems failed to work yesterday...the 1st day it was warm enough to need them. So our A/C guy came today and had to replace capacitors on both condensing units! They seem to blow almost annually. I hope this time they last longer.

Not much else to report here. Spring has sprung. Must get the eldest DS outfitted to be our 'yard man' now. So that means digging the mower and edger out of the garage so he can start work on the yard this coming week. I probably need to take the mower in for a tune up before he starts. And I have to get busy working on the bushes and trees. We need some intensive lawn therapy done around here!

Monday, March 14, 2011


I have a few prayer requests I want to put out there for people to pray for:

1) My friend TB and her family have been hit very hard with life circumstances. Pray for God's provision for them.

2) My blog buddy is having shoulder surgery today.

3) Please pray for the people of Japan. I cannot even fathom what they are facing.

4) Pray for my friend R. as he looks for a new job.

5) Please pray that my eldest DS gets well. What a rotten way to spend spring break -- Sick.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I didn't even attempt to keep up w/ the number of accomplishments today. Just suffice it to say that I did a TON of work in the living room and the kitchen today. My parents came over to keep me company and to help out as they could.

All clean laundry has been put away...and that was about 5 loads today.

I have also worked on going through the piles of papers that are all over the place. I filed the statments from our investments today. They were dated clear back to August! oh my word!

I took one DS to an appointment after school today. The other DS had a pre-UIL band clinic. I had a special church choir rehearsal and they served us dinner ahead of time. Yummo! And there were heaps of leftovers, so I scored enough to feed me and the boys tomorrow night! Hooray!

Tomorrow is looking good. The upstairs is already picked up and I have my bed and bath to work on. But the kitchen & living room are livable. go me!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wedding and work

We went out of town this past weekend to a cousin's wedding. It was a very pretty evening. I'm so glad we went.

Sadly this same weekend is when my uncle was buried. Very sudden death, but many times now-a-days, I think going quickly is preferrable to lingering illness. Just my opinion.

And lastly, upon the return home, I've had to hit the studies hard. Hubby is on a business trip, so hopefully I'll get lots of filing done during his absence!

Off to school open house tonight! busy week ahead!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Thursday was CRAZY!!

Yesterday was something else!

First of all, all 3 rooms in the house that have been turned upside down are getting back to normal...

JCPenney delivered the new TV cabinet and the new mattresses for the youngest DS's room. And as a result...yesterday hubs and I had to put ALL of the entertainment electronics back together in the new cabinet. That was something else!

Then I had a nail appt, as we have a wedding to attend and my nails looked horrid. As I left that appt, I remembered I needed to purchase a science fair display-type board for the eldest DS and his study buddy. Off to Hobby Lobby for that. When I got home I realized the youngest's new mattress was much thicker than the one we replaced. It was off to Target for a shopping run! When we got home it was dinner time. Hubs had ordered pizzas -- thank goodness! Between Hobby Lobby, Target and pizza dinner, I was bushed.

BUT...the kitchen disposal issue of last week (or the week before) had required that we leave the cabinet under the kitchen sink empty for awhile to make sure it really dried out before replacing shelf liner and the contents. Hubby did that for me! HOORAY!

But remember the laundry room? molded ick under the washer. Well it was caused by subzero temps in Feb and the incomplete evacuation of lint from the dryer vent. All of that is now fixed. But I'm WAY BEHIND on laundry.

Add to all of that, paying bills, no time to grocery shop this week, Bible study (leadership mtg & study itself) and general mom stuff.

I am SOOOO READY for teh weekend. But it includes a fast road trip and a wedding -- for which I have NOT purchased a wedding gift yet! Yikes.

I'm outta here!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

#61 CF. (through #67)

Well, I paid bills today (discovered one I'd missed during our trip down under! ouch!!)

I also attended leaders meeting for Bible Study.
I called all of my ladies.
Took youngest to piano lessons
balanced the checkbook
and took dirtly laundry to my mom's and left it w/ her
when I picked up their shop vac.

I see myself on the roof tomorrow working to clean out the dryer exhaust vent. Oh the joys of home ownership!