Monday, February 28, 2011

Accomplishment #60

Unfortunately today's accomplisment created more work than it accomplished. I discovered a leak(?) behind my fairly new washing machine. Hubs and DS unstacked my laundry appliances and then the real work started.

#60 - I mopped the laundry room floor...

but then discovered wet dryer lint in the exhaust tube. Yuck, YUck and YUCK!!! Hubby pulled the worst of it out, but oh my...what a load of work is left to do to clean up the room; dry out the tubes; and discover WHERE the leak is coming from!!!

so, all in all, a messy day.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Accomplishment #59

I installed a new garbage disposal under my kitchen sink!

Now I did need a helping hand from hubby to get the last hose attached, but other than that, I did it!!!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Accomplishements #46 - 58

I had stamp club tonight, so I had lots to accomplish today!

#46 - prepared for stamp club
#47 - found that there was a leak under the kitchen sink. Dragged everything out from there, and set a fan up to dry it. Mold in places. Yuck!!
#48 - took one DS to a dr. appt
#49 - took same DS to another appt.
#50 - took other DS to study group
#51 - 57 - made 6 special cards for sale-a-bration stamp sets to show them off!
#58 - completed Bible Study homework for this week

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Accomplishment #45

I went to the special choir rehearsal today.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Another week has gone by

I think I was up to #40 on my list of accomplishments. Good thing too since I've been down sick most of the week! I don't know if I got what one of the kids has had, or if the change in weather kicked my allergies into high gear.

#40 - I took one DS to a Monday appt.
#41 - I took same DS to a Tuesday appt.
#42 - Made it to Bible Study for the first time in 3 weeks (due to icy road conditions!)
#43 - Had lunch w/ a dear friend that I'd not seen in about 3 months
#44 - Attended Adult choir rehearsal
#45 - Took one DS to a Thurs appointment
#46 - Read a new book on my Kindle
#47 - Read a 2nd new book on my Kindle
#48 - Worked School library on Monday
#49 - Worked on helping DH w/ expense report, so the Business CC will be paid off!!
#50 - I've paid bills that have come in this week
#51 - I sorted through stacks of old magazine and tossed 95% of them!
#52 - I attended a Celebrate Recovery Graduation Ceremony that I'd been invited to. The testimonies were amazing. God still peforms miracles!
#53 - I worked my youngest DS's Valentines Day Party @ School.

That's about it. I did have a good Valentine's day. My guys spoiled me. They cooked dinner for me. And I got a cool cover for my Kindle, new earbuds for my iPhone, and a pretty necklace and bracelet.

I'd better keep working on filing now! #54 here I come!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pre-Valentine's Day weekend

Things I accomplished today:

#36 - got youngest DS's valentine's made today
#37 - had both DSs take outgrown clothes out of closets today. Already folded, bagged and ready to donate.
#38 - did multiple loads of laundry today. Washed, folded & put away.
#39 - stopped at craft store and purchased my 'donation' to the youngest's party at school.

Good day. We got out today and enjoyed the spring weather too.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Additional accomplishments today

I have straightened all of the rooms in the house. That's 5 upstairs and 7 downstairs. I'm giving myself 12 more accomplishments, as this *really* needed to be done and I'd been procrastinating! that brings me to #32

I also found our FSA credit card and got it activated, so that's #33

and I'm about to leave to go get Rxs @ the pharmacy, so that's #34.

And I thought I wasn't going to get anything done today :-)

OH....AND I went by the public library and checked out two books for my eldest DS for his project @ school #35.

Next accomplishment #20

I missed church last Sunday. Today I listened to the podcast of my pastor's sermon. It was very good.

I now have lots to think about. #20 done.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Another doctor visit

My accomplishments for today have been

#17 - pedicure. Desperately needed.
#18 - took youngest DS to dr.
#19 - yet another trip to the pharmacy.

Somehow those don't really feel like accomplishments. I want my accomplishments to be something unusual for me. something that's needed doing for awhile but I haven't had time for.

Oh well, some days you take what you can get!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Accomplishments #12-16

Since today is an ice day and there has been NO school today, the boys have been home. As a result, I've had helpers today (much to their chagrin!) ha

I have done 3 loads of laundry today -- washed, folded AND PUT AWAY (#12 - 14)
I have paid all the bills I can locate in the house (#15)
I have called all of my Bible Study ladies today to tell them that study is cancelled for tomorrow (#16)