Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas craziness

I don't know why I do the things I do sometimes....I decided on Saturday (5-6 days before Christmas) to make a tree skirt for our 2nd Christmas tree. Now I've known for two years that we have a 2nd tree and that it doesn't have a skirt. But this year I decided to purchase a skirt at Target. But, they were not on sale and I do NOT go out shopping the day after Christmas for 'specials.'

So, that left a few options:

1) buy the expensive skirt
2) go out frequently to see if the skirt I liked was on sale and still available
3) buy a cheap skirt (yuck)
4) or make one.

Guess which one I chose -- of course, option #4. So, Saturday evening I spent time at Hancock Fabrics picking out felt, ribbons, rick-rack, seed beads, bugle beads, colored felt, metallic threads, etc., etc., etc. I had a great time.

Now I'm working to get the basics done on the skirt. All of the embellishments will have to wait until after the holidays, but I will get the fancy stuff onto the skirt. I'll try to post a picture when I get it finished.

Have all the gifts been wrapped yet? NO! I'm too busy creating a masterpiece of a tree skirt! ha Thank goodness I'm the only girl around here. They guys aren't stressed that there is only one wrapped gift. They're guys! As long as there are gifts to unwrap on Christmas Day, they'll be fine.

Thank goodness for small favors!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Back from NC

We had a nice time in NC. I got to meet all of the guys my husband works with on a daily basis. I, and the other Texas employee's wife, was treated to brunch at The Carolina Inn on the UNC campus www.carolinainn.com . Then we visited a cool upscale market called A Southern Season www.southernseason.com. We took in Baz Luhrmann's "Australia" www.australiamovie.net all before the first party on the 15th. Then on the 16th, the founder's wives and the Texas gals had a day at Bella Trio Spa www.bellatrio.com. That night we had the company Christmas party at Acme www.acmecarrboro.com. All in all a nice get away. Now I'm back home and am trying to get ready for Christmas!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

My birthday is this week and it just so happens that my hubby's employer decided to have their Christmas party this week. SO...I've gotten a get out of town ticket for my birthday. My mom and dad are keeping my kids and the hubby and I are out of town. This is probably the first time since we've had kids that we've not all been together on my birthday, but I think the kids will survive.

I am out of town without the kids for the first time since March of this year. It's nice to be able to get away. Too much work and not enough play makes D a dull girl.