Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well, my youngest DS and tackle football were not a match. The coach ended up being correct about the fact that DS might get hurt. No physical injury occurred, but a crushed spirit "dries up the bones" as the Bible says.

DH did the football practice merry-go-round last night. I stayed home to cook,clean, etc.

When DH and the boys got home (at 8:20 p.m. on a school night!) we ate dinner and sent the boys to clean up. DH told me while the boys were gone that the head coach's son and another child on the offensive line were double-teaming my DS and actually body slammed him to the ground -- and the coaches did nothing to stop it. This happened several plays in a row.

My older DS was there to witness that part of the practice. DH said oldest DS was very upset about the way the other players were treating his younger brother. My DH talked to the head coach after practice last night.

When my oldest DS was showered and ready for bed, he actually sat here and cried about how the other boys treated his brother. He felt helpless to defend his brother and he was just SOOOO upset about it.

I talked to youngest DS and he said that he doesn't want to play football. I told him that was fine. But he then said, "but I want to go to practice on Thursday to see if [coach's son] has learned his lesson." I guess a lesson about not mistreating your own teammates. But I told him that regardless of what the other boy learned, there would always be other boys on other teams that might think it's o.k. to play football that way. And the most important thing to me was to keep my DS safe.

So, DH emailed coach after our discussions last night, and our youngest DS is no longer in football.

Know anyone who wants to purchase equipment that's only been used 4 times??

Monday, August 25, 2008

School has Started!

Hooray! Hooray!

I was so glad that both of the boys went back to school today. My youngest DS, the one I homeschooled last year, is in 2nd grade now. When asked how he liked the first day of school, his response was, "I LOVED it!!"

I am so glad to hear that. He told me 2nd grade wasn't as boring as he thought it was going to be.

My oldest DS started middle school today. He said it was BORING! They walked them through the schedule today; told then about grading, infractions, detention, etc., etc., etc.

I did nothing today -- except have the A/C man over to check out the non functioning downstairs A/C unit. Seems we have a leak in the coil. Ugh.

Now we're trying to decide if it's worth it to put in 1/2 the money of a new system, or if we should just bite the bullet and pay for a new system for the downstairs. The existing one is about 19 yrs. old. I'm ready to ditch it and get a new one. If nothing else, it will cost less to run!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Growing Pains

My oldest DS is scared about starting middle school. He broke down tonight and cried that he's afraid he won't be able to keep up with the assignments. I had no idea that he was so stressed about it. We've prayed and talked and cried. Then he got out of bed and came to tell the same stuff to my DH. I guess I'm learning more about what it means to let the boys learn from the school of hard knocks. I want to protect him from the heartaches, but I also know that no amount of talking from me will teach him what one or two mistakes of his own will. Suddenly teething and middle of the night feedings seem preferable.

Unfortunately, this is almost as painful for me to watch as it is for my DS to go through.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Well, both boys have had several football practices this week. The oldest is getting back into the groove. The youngest is playing tackle football for the very first time. We got an email from the head coach after the 2nd practice of my DS's life and the coach was saying he's not sure tackle football is the sport for my youngest.

That's heartbreaking to hear when your child has expressed an interest in a sport and the parents have invested mucho dollars for the equipment. My hubby went to practice w/ the youngest DS tonight. Other dads commiserated w/ my hubby and said there were quite a few kids who 'played' like my DS is, but that was last year.

We are moving forward. At least we are in a league where the players are guaranteed playing time. If my son wants to quit, that's fine. To have a coach watch him practice twice and then say he doesn't think my kid is good enough to avoid injury smarts just a bit.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Update on everyone

Dad is home from the nursing home. Can't remember if I blogged about that recently. He's been home about a week and a half now.

Mom and I visited the lung specialist on Friday. She's to have a bronchoscopy on Monday morning. She'll be sedated and the dr. will look in her lung and do a lavage on the thing that's in her lung. He'll culture what comes out and hopefully we'll have a definitive diagnosis in about two weeks.

My 20th wedding anniversary is this week.

My DSs will both start public school in 8 days. My youngest DS is the one I homeschooled last year. I decided with the continuing health problems of my parents and my exhaustion, letting the school district teach him (for awhile at least) is the best thing.

I think the thing that pushed me over that edge was his comment that he wanted to embroider a set of tea towels like I was doing. To me that screamed "get the boys some other guys to play with!"

Both DSs are signed up for tackle football now. I just pray that their game times do not coincide very often. But that's one great reason to have grandparents in town!

And last, but not least, I have NOT finished painting the boys rooms. The Olympic have interfered w/ my painting schedule. Thankfully the oldest DS is not anxious to have his room painted. I'll get it done -- just on my time schedule.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

One Bedroom finished

I have been planning all summer to redecorate my DSs rooms. They needed the updating! But my parents' hospital stays and such have prevented me from working on this project earlier this summer. I have the smaller of the two bedrooms painted now. The new bedding on the bed is just great with the wall color and I have located material to make valances for the two windows! Hooray.

However, I am very tired from the up and down on the ladder. Why are bedroom ceilings so high? My youngest DS is thrilled with his new room and hopefully the older DS will be sufficiently impressed that he'll want to help get the transition going for his room as well.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Something Good!

Last Wednesday evening my mom's car broke down on her. She had it towed to the dealership and they've had it for a week now. Seems that the fellows at the oil change place didn't do their jobs correctly and Mom's engine is now shot.

But God has provided. Mom bought an extended warranty on her vehicle when she purchased it. Her car was STILL UNDER WARRANTY! Hooray! She's getting a new engine free of charge!

Now we just need to get good news re: her CT scan -- I.E. no cancer and we'll be 2/3rds of the way to being home free. Dad's CT is on Tuesday (tomorrow) and if he has no fluid in his abdomen, then he can be discharged and can go home.

My oldest DS is at church camp and I've purchased the paint for both of the boys' bedrooms.

I guess my title should have read "Many good somethings"