Friday, June 26, 2009

Down memory lane

I took today to show my boys where I grew up. Both houses, the elementary school, the farm where my dad made a living. I don't think they were very impressed. But to them we just saw houses and places. To me it was so much more.

We also made a stop at the cemetery where their great-grandparents are buried. As I made the trip up here, I realized that the last time I was in town was when my nana died. That's been 3 years next week. I've never been away from here for that long when I lived in this hemisphere.

We start the reunion festivities tonight. Dinner and a gathering at the town clubhouse. I'm interested to see who all has made the effort to show up.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

And the beat goes on...

It has been a very stressful month. Mom & I are still working through all the stuff around the nursing home check-out.

I've been seeing my counselor; I've been doing alot of reading. I've also been praying that God is glorified in all of this.

But my little family has taken a little break...we have traveled to my 25th high school reunion. It's going to be weird to see everyone after such a long time.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What on earth?

This week is unlike any other I have ever experienced.

Mom got angry that I stood up to her when she was verbally mean and insulting to me. I thought we had the entire thing hashed out and that it was over. Boy was I wrong.

She's checked herself out of the nursing home against medical advice. She has constructed a version of our argument on Sunday night that never happened. Never in a million years would it have happened the way she is saying it did. So, now she and Dad are at home, on their own. I don't know if mom is driving or not.

I've talked to my counselor and to one of the ministers at my church about the whole thing. I feel a peace about my decisions that I've made this week. I just wanted mom where she was safe and looked after.

However, I feel very sad that my mom has constructed this elaborate argument with false accusations against me. I feel even worse knowing that she's the type that will never, ever apologize. She behaved like a two year old; took her ball and went home. I'm sad that she's that way. And given her age, she's not likely to change.