Thursday, January 31, 2008

What a Difference a Month Makes

Last time I blogged, we'd just met with the elder care lawyer. In the intervening month, I've managed to determine exactly how many life insurance policies there are on my parents. The lawyer has drawn up over half of the legal documents he decided Mom and Dad needed. I've also begun working with my mom to determine what mom and dad's assets are worth. That has entailed finding appraisers who will either come to the house to see things, or to find people that we can take items to for the appraisals.

I've also managed to hire a cleaning lady to help me with my own house. It was a pit after the summer I had last year. She and I are working diligently to get the house back under control. I foresee a large springtime garage sale in my future. It will help to get rid of stuff that we no longer use.

I'm still trying to homeschool my youngest son. He's doing well, in spite of the erratic schedule we keep. His reading and math are on track. I am going to look concentrate a bit more heavily on grammar in the next few months.

My eldest son is almost finished with elementary school. A midde schooler -- gack!

And my diabetes is more under control that it has been in the last few years. I've got a new doctor who is working with me, and how has a supportive, not judgmental, staff. That's always a good thing.