Thursday, February 25, 2010

Slightly better news

Mom's urologist was encouraging last week when we met with her.

First, mom does not have a tumor or anything on her kidney. The issue is that the ureter (tube from kidney to bladder) looks like it gets 'pinched closed' at the point where the arteries and veins for the legs cross over the ureter. So, they can't really see what's going on.

Mom had a sonogram done today to check that area out again. If the ureter still looks like it's pinched closed, the urologist will do a radioactive dye test next to test mom's kidney function. If the rt. kidney is functioning w/in normal bounds, we won't do anything else. But if the rt. kidney's function IS compromised, the urologist will do a procedure to look up in the ureter to see what's causing the blockage/pinch.

AS for the nodules in Mom's lungs...still no plan for further tests yet.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Mom had a CT scan last week the 3rd check up since her cancer surgery last May. Results came back today. Mom has 'something' blocking the outflow of the right kidney. And the oncologist has ordered a PET scan for mom as her lungs have nodules in them.

I feel stupid for feeling 'safe' about her health. She's survived cancer 3 times.

I am not happy. stunned I guess.

WE see her urologist Friday morning to see what else we can learn about the problem with the kidney.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 2010 so far

Well...a recap of the past 4 weeks:

* took a cruise w/ hubby and some of his geek friends and their wives. Had a good time. Made new friends and hope to see the ladies again in June for a crafting weekend. Woo Hoo! The guys will be in Dallas for a conference, so the wives should have fun too!

* Oldest DS competed in ensemble and solo competitions during our cruise and made a 1 on both of his pieces. YAY!!! Then his band director pulled him into an ensemble where a student didn't show up (!) and DS made a 1 on that one too! And he was sightreading the music. So proud! Did you get hit by a button as it popped off my shirt? lol

* youngest DS is now 10. Cannot believe it. Where'd the time go? Must still organize the birthday party, but he had a great time sharing a giant chocolate chip cookie cake with his classmates at school.

* I'm doing the administrative part of starting up a SENG Model Parenting Group -- a discussion group for parent of gifted kids as we read our way through Jim Webb's book. That's coming together nicely.

* I had a great time last week making rehearsal dinner invitations with a friend for her son's upcoming wedding.

* Lastly, saw both my GP and endocrinologist in the past month and BOTH are very please with my HA1C number.

Life is good.