Sunday, February 26, 2012


February has been an especially difficult month for me emotionally. A dear friend's child has been beset by mental illness issues -- we think. We cannot understand what has happened. We just know that her child wasn't getting the help that was so desperately needed. After yet another round of hospitalizations here, the decision was made to place her child in a long term mental health facility. I hope and pray that this stay provides the answers that are needed to help her child get beter.

I do not have any sisters. But God has given me two 'sisters' here on earth. This sweet 'sister' has had to handle more in the past year that most of us deal with in a lifetime of family issues. I have felt her pain so deeply that I have sucummbed to that evil demon depression for a bit of time -- once again.

I am feeling much better today. And that is due in large part to the ministry of my worship director. He brought Regi Stone into our church this weekend to miniter to the choir/orchestera. I didn't want to go on Friday night, but I'm so glad I did. We had the opportunity to write our own psalm. That started the tears flowing. God put a wonderful friend beside me and she spoke His words to my heart. God is good...all the time.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I honestly thought I'd posted already this year!

New Year's Eve was our usual dinner @ Cafe Roma w/ friends and then an evening at their house playing board games and visiting. I really like having friends that are up for a nice evening IN!

New Year's Day was far from usual. MOm had to go to the ER. Well...after re-reading my blog maybe it wasn't SOoo far from usual for us anyway! LOL. But mom had another blocked bowel. Another stay with fluids and pain killers and she was finally better.

Talked to my great-aunt to update her on my mom and learned my great uncle is under hospice care.

Have started cooking at home more. I'm experiementing w/ crock-pot recipes. We've found a couple of good ones.

I helped some dear friends w/ the school ARD/IEP process for their son w/ special needs.

Have had a kid sick w/ the GI bug (youngest) but he's over it now! he also got braces in January.

My great uncle who was under hospice care died on the 24th. I drove my parents to the funeral. Stopped off to see my brother and his family on the way home. Had a very, very nice visit with them.

I've begun working on a new Bible Study for the spring....and am adding another one for 2 months staring tomorrow night.

The youngest DS has turned 12!!

I guess that's about all for the start of the year. Again...will try to be more regular about blogging this year