Thursday, August 30, 2012

And it's back to the school year routine

Wow, summer flew past too quickly.  We didn't even have time to go anywhere as a family...and if we had, it would have been the week that included July 4th!  Then we were booked solid after that.

So...into the school year we go.

My eldest is in 10th grade.  On his final day of summer, we stood in line at the DMV for his learner's permit.  Where we live the line is very, very long. It took us 3 full hours, but it was worth the wait.  The eldest is now carrying a learner's permit.  Unfortunately, we've not had time to do any instruction or driving...yet!

My youngest is in 6th grade.  On his final day of summer he slept until about 1 PM!

Now we've gotten all of our school supplies, have purchased oodles of food for lunches that are packed on a daily basis and have generally gotten into the swing of the school year.  We've also instituted a weekly family meeting time, so that everyone is made aware of the week's obligations...mainly so no one can say "I didn't know."  But it did help this week.

The biggest challenge so far is the youngest's homework routine.  Middle school is a different beast than elementary.  We've got to convey that homework (from now on) will NOT be completed before dinnertime -- and that is O.K.!  He was a bit stressed this week.  I know it will all settle down soon, but boy I hope soon gets here forthwith!

I've also met w/ teachers @ middle school to explain the unique challenges of a child with sensory integration disorder and how handwriting is just an exercise in futility.  All were very open to accomodating his needs.  I have one more mtg. w/ his math teacher on Friday and then everyone should be on the same page.

Other than that I'm just busy with all of my church Sunday School responsbilities, church choir, and setting up a parenting class for parents of gifted kids that I lead every fall.  I've found the venue and must now work on fliers.

Busy busy!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Goodbye to our Chinese boys..

We've sponsored two Chinese boys again this summer.  Our church brings in 50 students and chaperones each summer for a 3 week stay.  Our boys, Robert & Bruce, leave with everyone else tomorrow morning.

They have had fun living with an American family and eating our non-spicy food!  I promise I tried to make the food spicy, but alas, I do not cook with enough chili peppers.

We did introduce the boys to Mexican food (which they didn't like) and Indian food (which they did).  I    enjoyed having them here.

Each year, the boys ask what they should call me and my husband.  We respond with two or three choices...and usually the first night they just talk to us and don't address us.  But always on the day that I pick them up from church after their first full day with the other Chinese students, they climb into the van saying, "MOM!  we had fun today" and then I'm mom for the remainder of the trip. :-)

It's really awesome to know that I can be called Mom by a total of 6 boys now.