Monday, May 13, 2013

I took leave of my senses..

and volunteered to be the Jr. parent in charge of marching band uniforms next year at my son's High school.

I think it will be fun to meet more of the band kids and parents and to see the halftime performaces all year long.

probably lots of work, but still fun along the way!

New Pastor?

If you've followed my blog, you are aware that the pastor at my church died in October of 2011.  Our church is one of those that does not have a governing board at a regional level that can just shift pastors around.

Our church put together a pastor search committee a hair over a year ago.

They came to use a few weeks back and said they believe they have found the man that is to be our next sr. pastor.

That man will come preach on June 2nd and then the congregation will vote on whether to accept him or not.  I'm so ready for this next step in my church's life.

His Jr year is going to be "awesome"

My eldest has completed the audition process for the bands at his 11th and 12th grade campus for next year.

He made it into the Jazz Band AND made the TOP band at his school.

His quote was "My Jr year is going to be AWESOME!"

yes, I do believe it is!

Happy Mama

Monday, May 6, 2013

I'm a very sporadic blogger

Seems January was the last time I stopped by.

Since then I've been on a weight loss journey.  I've lost about 20 pounds and am feeling better.  I also changed my hair color and have enjoyed the reactions to that.

The scanner I got in December is still being used.  I'm trying (still) to reduce the paper clutter that's in my life.

Laundry is still my nemesis...and probably always will be!

Kids are doing great in school.  We're in the home stretch for the end of the year.  Eldest has some state-wide exams to take this week.  Youngest has already done his.

Band performances, contests, enrolling for classes for next's all being taken care of.

I'm teaching another parenting class for parents of gifted kiddos.  We're in our 2nd week.  Must get that knocked out before the school year ends.

I was involved in two Spring Bible Studies.  One through the Women's ministry at church.  The other I got started for the ladies in my Sunday School class.  We are really enjoying the time together and getting to know one another on a deeper level over the Word of God.

That's about all for now.