Friday, March 23, 2012

March 23rd

This week has been better than the past few. I was so sick for most of March, that I have not accomplished much. But things are improving this week.

I helped lead the SENG Model Parenting Class; Took youngest to ortho; snuck in a run to Sam's and filled the freezer w/ meat to use.

Took dinner to a friend who has had foot surgery. Went over early morning, put dinner in her crockpot and then just visited. Great start to the day! Had stamp club for my ladies Tuesday night.

fewer things to do, but still productive day

Went and helped my parents get their tax organizer ready for the accountant; fixed their printer so it works; saw the dentist and then went to the hari salon.

Friday (today)
Worked on straightening up the house, had a friend drop by for a short visit ...ended up 2.5 hrs long! ha. We had fun talking however. Now the eldest is @ the Hunter Games movie w/ a friend; hubster and youngest are off playing laser tag and my roast that has been cooking in the crockpot all day is about to do me smells SO good! Too bad I can't say I sat around w/ my feet up eating bon-bons whilst they were all gone. I told myself I had to organize the bill receipts for the first 3 months of the year; and then made myself clean out the dental insurance EOB file. Shredded stuff from 2003 and older; organized all the rest.

So I am making steady progress. Now to stop, eat dinner and watch a movie.

I hope

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Break is over

Well, March is 2/3rds over. I've spent most of the time sick w/ bronchitis and a sinus infection. We didn't go out of town for spring break, but that was o.k. I needed the time to recover.

I have fallen off the "life-change" wagon. I'm not losing weight. Must restart the process. ugh.

During the illness-induced house arrest, I watched seasons 2 & 3 of White Collar. So now I'm caught up. And I have to wait for season 4 to start. My hubby and I have been watching "Downton Abbey" Hubby is one episode away from finishing Season 2.

We are enjoying an indoor spring, in an effort to limit our allergies/asthma/bronchitis.