The annual college basketball tournament is here and we're busy wathcing more BB than I thought possible. However, my alma mater is still in the hunt...they play Perdue later this afternoon, so we're waiting on THE game of the day.
I'm busy getting ready to help lead a book discussion/parenting class starting this week. Must finish up the final week of in-depth Bible study. And wait for the overnight snowfall (6" in Plano) to melt, so I can get out and about on the 3rd day of spring. wild, wild weather this winter/spring!
Other things:
Mom: a nephrologist has taken a look at Mom's CT scan and there IS something causing problems with teh right kidney's ureter. No other info has been forthcoming, but a radioactive test was administered and Mom should get those results late this week.
Brother: Still doesn't contact us
Dad: seems to be o.k.
Friends: one filed for divorce last fall and it was granted in Dec. Another filed last month and an agreement has been reached. Yet another friend had to file last week and the soon-to-be ex is just a moron. I had this 'stage of life' where the guys think they are entitled to a younger version of the female species. They've married, taken vows and had children -- ALL the the ones I'm talking about, yet they "aren't happy" so it's o.k. to chase skirts. My word.
I guess that's all for now.