Monday, June 16, 2008

I dislike single parenting

My hubby is out of town on business. Consequently, the upstairs a/c unit has gone in the fritz again. It does not do this when he's home. Seems the a/c gremlins only enjoy inconveniencing ME!

And I'm supposed to be working VBS today. I have a friend from church that can cover for me, but it's the general inconvenience of it all that is the most annoying.

That being said: I have a good a/c man to call; I have the means with which to pay him; I have places to stay if I need to; I have a friend to cover my other obligations today. See -- it's just in the perspective! :-)

The other issue that I seriously dislike is my oldest son's attitude today. We signed him up to participate in the gifted & talented summer program. 4 hours / day, M-F, for 4 weeks. It's not like he has to go to summer school to salvage his grades so he can promote. But you'd think we'd put bamboo shoots under his fingernails.

He is in the foulest mood today. He's threatened to hide and not get on the bus. So I'll get to go to the bus drop off place and wait with him to make sure he gets on the bus. Then I guess I'll have to call the school where he's supposed to go to and make sure he actually goes inside.

If I didn't have the aforementioned a/c problems, I'd probably drive him to the program myself to make sure he goes inside.

We have never asked him to participate in the program before, but have done so this year to make sure he has an opportunity to meet new friends from other schools -- since he starts middle school this year. All of our good intentions may go down the drain because he may not make any friends. I wouldn't want to be friends with someone who has his attitude. I hope he reserves the icky attitude for home so that he can actually make some new friends.

I guess I will survive this too. It's just lousy to have to do so. :-(

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

It can all just be a little overwhelming at times.

Things at my house always seem to go out when I have the most going on in my life and do not have time to take care of it.

Hope things are going better.