We had an ice day this week and the boys were off from school. That means one extra day of school at the end of the year, or a lost in-service day for the staff/faculty. I hope it's the latter and not the former.
My oldest attended a youth weekend at our church last weekend. The emphasis was on purity and maintaining abstinence until marriage. My oldest doesn't even like girls yet. He participated in the weekend, but not in the committment ceremony that our youth pastor led. In a year or two, we'll see if he wishes to participate, but I didn't think an 11 yr. old needed to make that kind of promise -- yet.
Not much else to report.
Oh -- I have make valentines for my youngest to take to school and give out. I think they turned out very well. Here's they are: 1) is for his teacher and 2) is a sample of the ones he's distributing. And just for the record, the red card stock has hearts stamped on it. The scan just didn't pick that up.