Well...the last time I posted I was at my 25th high school reunion. That was a fun trip. Got to see lots of people I had not seen in 25 years! I was disappointed some of the people I'd hoped to see did not make it (Sherri!) but I understand that family comes first.
When we returned home, we had to do so by swinging by the local airport and dropping off DH for a week long business trip. :-( But he needed to go and the boys and I did o.k. on our own.
Mom and I had a couple of serious discussions with a counselor present and got everything worked out!
Since then, I have been busy with summer stuff. Sent the oldest DS off to youth camp and he came back with the H1N1 flu. Yipee (not). So he missed the Youth mission trip that our church took this week. My DS has not complained too much about not getting to go on the trip, but he's still got an awful cough. May have to take him to the doctor again soon if cough meds don't fix him up.
My mom got the final report from her oncologist. No chemo. or radiation is warrented at this time. Hooray! I know she was dreading treatments.
I am working on going through piles of clutter in my house. Seeing how nice it was in the studio loft on vacation (with NO clutter) and then having the house clean for the weekend allowed me to see that I need to do this for all of us.
I'm working on putting my stamping supplies in the proper places tonight. If I get that done, I'll try to post some photos of recent projects I've done.